Curriculum Guide: Curriculum Guide 25-26
9th Grade Selection Form: Click Here
QR code for 9th grade registration:

10th Grade Selection Form: Click Here
QR code for 10th grade registration:

*If you are interested in the AA Pathway in 11th grade, please select Yes for AA Pathway on form.
11th Grade Selection Form: Click Here
QR code for 11th grade registration form:

*If you want to be evaluated for the AA pathway, select Yes for AA Pathway evaluation on form. Once eligibility has been met, schedules will be changed to college courses.
12th Grade Selection Form: Click Here
QR code for 12th grade registration form:
12th Grade AA Pathway Planning Form: Click Here
QR code for 12th grade AA Pathway Planning Form:

*For AA pathway students: Once eligibility has been met, schedules will be changed to college courses.
SCPS After School Driver Education Course (Coming in April)
After School Driver Education Student Application (Coming in April)
Leadership Course Application
Yearbook Application
Course Change Request
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